
GroupSyncManager extends Instanceable
in package


Manages registration of GroupSyncInjectors as well as broadcasting group changes to them.





Table of Contents


$_enabled_injectors  : array<string|int, GroupSyncInjector>
$_injectors  : array<string|int, GroupSyncInjector>
$_instances  : array<class-string, static>
Stores instances of classes with their class name as key.


broadcastChange()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Execute respective `addGroup()` or `removeGroup()` function on each of the injectors synced to the changed group.
broadcastGroupChange()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Execute respective `addGroup()` or `removeGroup()` function on each of the injectors (e.g. Nameless itself, Minecraft, Discord) synced to the changed group.
getColumnNames()  : array<string|int, string>
Get the column name from all injectors, not just enabled ones.
getEnabledInjectors()  : array<string|int, GroupSyncInjector>
Get all injectors which should be enabled.
getInjectorByClass()  : GroupSyncInjector|null
Get an enabled `GroupSyncInjector` from its class name, if it exists.
getInjectors()  : array<string|int, GroupSyncInjector>
Get all the registered injectors.
getInstance()  : static
Get or make an instance of the class this was called on.
makeValidator()  : Validate
Create a new `Validate` instance and add the injector defined rules and messages to it.
registerInjector()  : void
Register a new GroupSyncInjector class.
registerInjectorColumn()  : void
Add a new column to the `nl2_group_sync` table for this injector to use. Should be called during module initialisation.
compileValidatorMessages()  : array<string, array<string, string>>
Get an array of column name => validation rule => validation messages array for each of the enabled injectors.
compileValidatorRules()  : array<string, array<string, mixed>>
Get an array of column name => validation rule array for each of the enabled injectors.



Stores instances of classes with their class name as key.

private static array<class-string, static> $_instances = []



Execute respective `addGroup()` or `removeGroup()` function on each of the injectors synced to the changed group.

public broadcastChange(User $user, string $sending_injector_class, array<string|int, mixed> $group_ids) : array<string|int, mixed>

broadcastGroupChange should be used instead. This function has issues, such as that on the first sync it will replace groups on one side with groups from the other side, depending on which side happens to sync first. On the first sync, the desired behaviour is for the new roles on both sides to become the union of roles on both sides.

$user : User

NamelessMC user to apply changes to

$sending_injector_class : string

Class name of injector broadcasting this change

$group_ids : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of Group IDs native to the sending injector which were added/removed to the user

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of logs of changed groups


Execute respective `addGroup()` or `removeGroup()` function on each of the injectors (e.g. Nameless itself, Minecraft, Discord) synced to the changed group.

public broadcastGroupChange(User $user, string $sending_injector_class, array<string|int, mixed> $group_ids_add, array<string|int, mixed> $group_ids_remove) : array<string|int, mixed>
$user : User

NamelessMC user to apply changes to

$sending_injector_class : string

Class name of injector broadcasting this change

$group_ids_add : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of injector-native Group IDs were added to the user

$group_ids_remove : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of injector-native Group IDs were removed from the user

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of logs of changed groups


Get the column name from all injectors, not just enabled ones.

public getColumnNames() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>

All column names


Get all injectors which should be enabled.

public getEnabledInjectors() : array<string|int, GroupSyncInjector>

Injectors will only considered be enabled if:

  • Their parent module is enabled.
  • The shouldEnable() method in the injector returns true.

Keeps a cache for the duration of the request incase any shouldEnable() method is intensive to execute.

Return values
array<string|int, GroupSyncInjector>

Enabled injectors


Get an enabled `GroupSyncInjector` from its class name, if it exists.

public getInjectorByClass(string $class) : GroupSyncInjector|null
$class : string

Class name to get injector from

Return values

Instance of injector, null if it doesn't exist or isn't enabled


Get or make an instance of the class this was called on.

public final static getInstance() : static
Return values

Instance of the class this was called on.


Create a new `Validate` instance and add the injector defined rules and messages to it.

public makeValidator(array<string|int, mixed> $source, Language $language) : Validate
$source : array<string|int, mixed>

Input array to validate, often $_POST

$language : Language

Language to use for error messages

Return values

New Validate instance


Add a new column to the `nl2_group_sync` table for this injector to use. Should be called during module initialisation.

public registerInjectorColumn(GroupSyncInjector $injector) : void
$injector : GroupSyncInjector

Injector to add column for.


Get an array of column name => validation rule => validation messages array for each of the enabled injectors.

private compileValidatorMessages(Language $language) : array<string, array<string, string>>
$language : Language
Return values
array<string, array<string, string>>


Get an array of column name => validation rule array for each of the enabled injectors.

private compileValidatorRules() : array<string, array<string, mixed>>
Return values
array<string, array<string, mixed>>

Array of each enabled injectors array of rules

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