API Documentation
Table of Contents
- DiscordDispatchable
- Represents an event which is able to be sent as a Discord embed.
- HasWebhookParams
- Represents an event which has specific parameters to send to a webhook.
- WebhookDispatcher
- BatchableGroupSyncInjector
- Represents a GroupSyncInjector which can add multiple groups to a {@see User} at once.
- GroupSyncInjector
- Provides a baseline for custom group sync injectors.
- AvatarSource
- Manages avatar sources and provides static methods for fetching avatars.
- AvatarSourceBase
- Abstract class for modules create custom avatar sources.
- Collection
- Base Collection class.
- CollectionItemBase
- Represents a single item within a Collection.
- CollectionManager
- Provides static access to manage and get Collections.
- Alert
- Provides access to create & get alerts for a user, as well as their PMs.
- Cache
- Handles caching for NamelessMC.
- Config
- Provides static methods to get and set configuration values from the `core/config.php` file.
- Configuration
- Allows easy read/write to configuration values for a module stored in the database.
- Cookie
- Easy read/write of cookies.
- Date
- Basic date helper functions.
- Handles sending emails and registering email placeholders.
- Fields
- Management of input fields.
- HttpClient
- Provides simple methods to make GET & POST HTTP requests.
- Input
- Input class.
- Instanceable
- Allows classes to extend this to make singleton instances easily.
- Language
- Log
- Log handling class.
- Module
- Module base class as well as management class.
- Navigation
- Repesents a single navigation menu.
- Output
- Provides static methods for cleansing user input before storing in the database.
- Pages
- Contains data about all the registered pages in the application.
- Paginator
- Helps paginate data to an HTML table easily.
- PermissionHandler
- Allows modules to define permissions.
- Redirect
- Redirect class.
- SecureRandom
- Secure random token generation.
- Session
- Provides access to get/set/delete session data.
- Settings
- TimeAgo
- This class can help you find out just how much time has passed between two dates.
- Token
- Validates and generates CSRF tokens.
- Helps build URLs which match the site's URL configuration.
- User
- Represents a user, logged in or not.
- Util
- Contains misc utility methods.
- Validate
- Validates an array of data.
- DatabaseInitialiser
- DB
- Creates a singleton connection to the database with credentials from the config file.
- PhinxAdapter
- QueryRecorder
- Records PDO queries to display on exception page.
- Announcement
- Group
- Represents a group.
- IntegrationData
- IntegrationUserData
- ProfileField
- Represents a custom profile field.
- Reaction
- Represents a reaction.
- UpdateCheck
- Simple object to make checking result of an update check more consistent.
- UserData
- Represents data which belongs to a user.
- UserNotificationData
- Represents notification data which belongs to a user.
- UserProfileField
- Represents a custom profile field which belongs to a user.
- EndpointBase
- Base class endpoints need to extend.
- Endpoints
- Endpoint management class.
- KeyAuthEndpoint
- Allows an endpoint to require an API key to be present (and valid) in the request.
- NoAuthEndpoint
- Allows an endpoint to not require any authorisation.
- AbstractEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- DiscordEmbed
- Builds a Discord embed to represent an event.
- DiscordWebhookBuilder
- Builds a Discord webhook to represent an event as a Discord embed.
- EventCollector
- Interacts with the DebugBar to display executed events.
- EventHandler
- Handles registering and triggering events.
- HookBase
- Base for hook implementations.
- GroupSyncManager
- Manages registration of GroupSyncInjectors as well as broadcasting group changes to them.
- IntegrationBase
- Base class integrations need to extend.
- Integrations
- Integrations class.
- IntegrationUser
- Represents a integration user.
- ExternalMCQuery
- Queries Minecraft servers using the external querying API.
- MCQuery
- Abstraction over xPaw\MinecraftQuery & xPaw\MinecraftPing to make them fit with our needs.
- MinecraftProfile
- Represents a Minecraft profile.
- PluginQuery
- Queries Minecraft servers using the NamelessMC plugin.
- ProfileUtils
- Provides methods to generate a MinecraftProfile from a username or UUID.
- Announcements
- Announcement management class for creating and getting announcements.
- CaptchaBase
- Base class Captcha providers should extend.
- DebugBarHelper
- Class to help integrate the PHPDebugBar with NamelessMC.
- Debugging
- Class to help manage global state of various debugging variables.
- ErrorHandler
- Handles rendering the exception page as well as logging errors.
- HttpUtils
- Helps with common HTTP related tasks.
- IntegrityChecker
- MentionsParser
- Handles parsing username mentions in forum posts.
- NamelessOAuth
- OAuth utility class.
- Placeholders
- Manages registering and retrieving PAPI placeholders.
- ProfilePostReactionContext
- Provides support for giving and receiving reactions on profile posts.
- ReactionContext
- Represents a context in which reactions can be given and received.
- ReactionContextsManager
- Manages registering and retrieving reaction contexts.
- Report
- Report creation class.
- Text
- Helps with common text related tasks.
- UpgradeScript
- Used for abstracting common tasks done during upgrades.
- Queue
- Task
- AssetResolver
- Template asset management class.
- AssetTree
- Template asset tree.
- FakeSmarty
- Fake Smarty class to help with migration to 2.2.0 template system It aims to wrap around TemplateBase to ensure $smarty->assign still works until 2.3.0, when this will be removed.
- SmartyTemplateBase
- Base class which templates should extend to add functionality.
- SmartyTemplateEngine
- Smarty template engine.
- TemplateBase
- Base class templates should extend to add functionality.
- TemplateEngine
- Base template engine class to be extended.
- TwigTemplateBase
- Base class which templates should extend to add functionality.
- TwigTemplateEngine
- Base template engine class to be extended.
- AbstractWidget
- ProfileWidgetBase
- WidgetBase
- Base Widget class.
- WidgetData
- Widgets
- Widget management class.
- CookieConsent
- CookieConsent module main class
- CookieConsent_Sitemap
- CookieConsent sitemap class
- CrafatarAvatarSource
- Crafatar avatar source class
- CraftheadAvatarSource
- Crafthead avatar source class
- CravatarAvatarSource
- Cravatar avatar source class
- MCHeadsAvatarSource
- MCHeads avatar source class
- MinotarAvatarSource
- Minotar avatar source class
- NamelessMCAvatarSource
- Built-in NamelessMC Avatar class
- VisageAvatarSource
- Visage avatar source class
- hCaptcha
- hCaptcha class
- Recaptcha2
- Recaptcha2 class
- Recaptcha3
- Recaptcha3 class
- Notification
- Notification class to handle sending notifications to a user or users Notifications can be alerts or emails
- AnnouncementCreatedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- GenerateNotificationContentEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- GroupClonedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- ReportCreatedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserBannedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserDeletedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserGroupAddedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserGroupRemovedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserIntegrationLinkedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserIntegrationUnlinkedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserIntegrationVerifiedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserProfilePostCreatedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserProfilePostReplyCreatedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserReactionAddedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserReactionDeletedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserRegisteredEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserValidatedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- UserWarnedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- NotificationTypeNotFoundException
- MinecraftGroupSyncInjector
- Minecraft group sync injector implementation.
- NamelessMCGroupSyncInjector
- NamelessMC group sync injector implementation.
- GoogleIntegration
- GoogleIntegration class
- MinecraftIntegration
- MinecraftIntegration class
- Core_Sitemap
- CoreApiErrors
- Contains namespaced API error messages for the Core module.
- Nameless2API
- NamelessMC API v2 class
- RegisteredMembersListProvider
- Registered members member list provider
- StaffMembersListProvider
- Base class for member list providers.
- GenerateSitemap
- MassMessage
- PurgeExpiredSessions
- PurgeInactiveUsers
- SendEmail
- Discord
- Discord utility class
- DiscordApiErrors
- Contains namespaced API error messages for the Discord Integration module.
- DiscordGroupSyncInjector
- Discord group sync injector implementation.
- DiscordIntegration
- DiscordIntegration class
- DiscordWebhookFormatterEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- TopicCreatedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- TopicReplyCreatedEvent
- Represents a class-based event.
- Forum
- Forum class
- Forum_Sitemap
- Forum sitemap class
- ForumPostReactionContext
- Provides support for giving and receiving reactions on forum posts.
- HighestForumReactionScoresMemberListProvider
- Highest reaction scores member list provider
- MostPostsMemberListProvider
- Highest reaction scores member list provider
- ConvertForumPostTask
- GroupMemberListProvider
- Base class for member list providers.
- MemberListManager
- Member list providers manager. Provides a way to register and retrieve member list providers.
- MemberListProvider
- Base class for member list providers.
- ManagesTransformers
- Contains methods to register + apply API route binding transformers.
- MatchesRoutes
- Contains methods for matching API requests with endpoint routes.
- Cancellable
- HTML_LANG = self::LANGUAGES[$this->_activeLanguage]['htmlCode']
- HTML_RTL = self::LANGUAGES[$this->_activeLanguage]['rtl'] ?? false
- PHINX_DB_TABLE = $table
- PHINX_MIGRATIONS_DIR = $migrationDir
= self::LANGUAGES[$this->_activeLanguage]['htmlCode']
= self::LANGUAGES[$this->_activeLanguage]['rtl'] ?? false
= $table
= $migrationDir