Table of Contents
- Announcements
- Announcement management class for creating and getting announcements.
- CaptchaBase
- Base class Captcha providers should extend.
- DebugBarHelper
- Class to help integrate the PHPDebugBar with NamelessMC.
- Debugging
- Class to help manage global state of various debugging variables.
- ErrorHandler
- Handles rendering the exception page as well as logging errors.
- HttpUtils
- Helps with common HTTP related tasks.
- MentionsParser
- Handles parsing username mentions in forum posts.
- NamelessOAuth
- OAuth utility class.
- Placeholders
- Manages registering and retrieving PAPI placeholders.
- ProfilePostReactionContext
- Provides support for giving and receiving reactions on profile posts.
- ReactionContext
- Represents a context in which reactions can be given and received.
- ReactionContextsManager
- Manages registering and retrieving reaction contexts.
- Report
- Report creation class.
- Text
- Helps with common text related tasks.
- UpgradeScript
- Used for abstracting common tasks done during upgrades.
- WidgetBase
- Base Widget class.
- Widgets
- Widget management class.
- ForumPostReactionContext
- Provides support for giving and receiving reactions on forum posts.